Usage Agreement

Dear friend,

Thank you for collaborating with me. To help me ensure that the artistic nature of the images are preserved, please read and agree to the below terms.


Full Name Signed C.png

Please read and sign below.

You acknowledge that copyright and all intellectual property rights of all the photographs reside with myself, the photographer.

You are granted a commercial license for 12 images in order to promote your person and/or your personal business only. For any other purposes not expressly stated here, please contact me first.

As far as it is practical, always credit the photographer as "Pierre F. Lombard", and provide a link to

You may not alter the color of the images in any way.

To preserve the artistic nature of the images, as far as is possible, do not place text on top of the images. If absolutely necessary, please take care when doing so, or feel free to reach out to me for guidance.

Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the above terms of use. Please sign below to agree to the above terms.