A world in which vulnerability was never tolerated and tenderness was rarely witnessed
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Eternal life is a free gift.
“Eternal life is a free gift” — is perhaps the most successful marketing ploy in history: A specious claim that offers the one thing that no one could have, at no cost at all.
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It was 6PM in Longboat Key, Florida. The sensible air temperature corresponded with the 88 degrees of the ocean mass to produce a single aqueous-like solution of air and water, the boundary between the two almost imperceptible...
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It was 4:30 AM when the intercom in my dorm room interrupted my sleep: “Maroela is hier! Maroela is hier!” The distressed voice on the intercom was that of our primarius, the chief ranked member of the House Committee of our men’s residence, announcing the arrival of our arch-enemy residence, Maroela.
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The sky's ablaze with amber gold and tangerine zeal. The unwieldy ocean mass eagerly anticipate its union with the crimson orb suspended in the sky.
During his last night in hospital, on his way to the bathroom, he suffered a rupture in his large intestine. He collapsed, went back into surgery and my perspective on life-death would never be the same.
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